Situated in the far north west of Scotland, our 6 day expedition was to paddle & portage the canoe, at any cost, into a remote interior section of the region. We decided we would do all that it took to make it happen and reach one of the most isolated locations in mainland UK. The belly of beast didn’t give up her secrets so easy. She fought back. After heavy winds and being forced to ditch the canoe we humped the remaining kit through the night into a remote and isolated barn for shelter. We stayed there for two days, wet and cold until the winds and weather shifted and we would back-track and re-locate to the canoe to continue. Expeds are never without their adaptations and challenges. We are forced to discuss options, make difficult decisions and face our choices head on. That is what drives me back time and time again. The learning, the discovery - of oneself and the landscape around us. 

Buy exclusive prints from this expedition here - Printed on Fine Art Sustainably Produced Bamboo Paper

Watch “The Last Wilderness of Scotland” below